We all have heard of timing belts – it’s that elastic band thingy in you’re engine that costs $$$ right? Well yes, but moreover the timing belt is a very important maintenance item, that while it sounds expensive to replace, the purpose of it is to prevent even more costly damage to you’re engine if it fails. The timing belt should be replaced with the water pump if driven by it, and the idlers and tensioning pulley. Because if any of these fail, and they are known for it, again the idea is preventative maintenance. Because you can’t see if the internal webbing inside the rubber belt which gives the belt its strength to handle the enormous load of the camshafts spinning at speed, it is imperative to replace it at the required interval i.e. for all Volkswagen’s fitted with a Timing belt, it is every 105,000km or 7 years, whichever comes first.
Unscheduled timing belt maintenance: Sometimes but less commonly, a fault can lead to reduced life of the timing belt, these include: Oil leaking from the balancer or camshaft oil seal, water pump leaking or bearing failure, Add-Blue leaking – (an issue on the newer EA288 engine) or Drive-belt failure (an issue on the 2.0TDI Amarok) or Cam gear failure (1.4TSI) For peace of mind, we check all of these things while conducting services to you’re German Vehicle.
At our specialist workshop in Narre Warren, we try to prevent these issues while conducting service or repairs, and will always advise you on you timing belt or other components related to the timing belt.